Long Live The King!
My laptop kept infested with viruses and i had to reformat it in order to save its life. >.<
Be prepared! There will be over hundred of images while scrolling down.
18/10/2007 - This was the day after my lovely was born 23 years back.

Other than his LV wallet, came up with some surprises for him~~ Happy Birthday hunney bun.

thee hee look at his cheeky face =)

and he pooff!!!

he told me he felt like a boy with balloon! Here comes the BIRTHDAY KING!

And this day had finally come! On a holiday trip to Bangkok! Leaving singapore...

Bangkok's airport~~ see the arrival word?? haha
okayz, i dont know what am i doing in that picture.. im just too excited!
There was this mini bus to transport us from the airport to our hotel "CentrePoint Petchburi 15". I swear their traffic on weekends is terrible! Jams everywhere.. the worst part was imagine urself taking a nap in the vehicle and when you wake up, you're still at the same spot! Its so demoralising man! haahaa so by the time we reached the hotel, we were dead beat..but something perked me up!!!! GUESSSS GUESSS WHATS THAT?!!?!?

*Trying very hard to crawl out of the luggage*

and he says. WELCOME TO BANGKOK! hahaha
Omg! he's so frigging cute~~ baby was saying, "heng ah, never get caught for bringing something" and im like.. huh, dont tell me you smuggled illegal stuffs or something? " then i saw him trying to pull HAPPY out of it.
SURPRISEd SURPRISEd SURPRISEd!! im so touched. thank yew sweet!
Our hotel was a service apartment styled hotel~~have a good look of it =)


mini kitchen and dining area

the mini living room facing the television

Our beddd for the 3 nights.

Hunneyy ordering dinner!~~

Together with drinks, the meal for both of us cost $6 in total. =) cheapppp cheappp

Hotel view taken from our balcony and the pool is located at the 8th level.
After dinner, we walked around the Pratunam night market area and headed back to the hotel lobby to wait for the tour guide to bring us to watch Thai Girls Show. Ahem.. the show.. quite interesting and live RA. wooohooo
Day 2

Breakfast buffet at the hotel.

He always got this greedy face!

their beautiful ashtray

Ready to leave the hotel for CHATUCHAK!

Our first time taking a Tuk Tuk! The tuk tuk bloody uncle tried to chop my nini's cai tao ah! haha and in the end we paid him still... =(
We walked round chatuchak from 10 plus til the closing time 6pm. The so called pasar malam is never ending.... tooo big to finish walking in a day man! and here we took a break in between to quench our thirst!

Headed to Emporium area.. some chinese restaurant for Beijing Duck introduced by his bro.

Stop bullying my dirty money bag okay!! he's filthy rich in his stomach.
They really make full use of the duck..they roasted the duck's skin and then we can make popiah out of it. They stir fry the meat with bean sprouts which goes well with white plain rice and lastly, they brewed salted veg duck soup with its bone!
My hunney's step for preparing the popiah
Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Step 4

taaaddaaaa and here i come!

hmmmm yum yum

we actually managed to finish it man!!! We really have enormous tummy
Day 3 - Half day city tour
Morning, while waiting for the coach bus to be here, we saw this roadside prata stall..

Prata with egg, sugar n condensed milk..shiokkkk!! next time i will try to request this from the prata uncle.
We reached the jetty ... waiting to take the speedboat to tourrr

baby's camera takes good shots or maybe he's a good photographer thhee hee

My love!!

the famous temple.. i dont know what its called.

their fellow houses... definitely the city houses dont look like this.

Specially for the king's birthday

Navy's shipppss

We bought flowers for the offering of the buddha.

The floating market...

some cat with wide mouth!! they can munch down big bread at a go you know..amazing!

nice shot!

spot my hunney climbing uppp.. i cant climb up coz im wearing shorts and sleeveless =((

climbing down?

yay! He made it! We were told that it was difficult to climb down.. esp people who is afraid of heights! lol

Visited the honey beee farmmm
Went Siam Paragon where they claimed that they have the Asia's Biggest Underwaterworld..

sea monsters?

hun, say hi to your fellow lovable prawnies

the picture above is named GIANT COCKROACH ..

giant spider

giant lobster


Hermit crab

Purple fish! its so beautiful lahhhhh omggg

My nini is holding on to a animal that is similar to porcupine! their ''furs'' are spikyyyy

little boy..

the turtle looks like he's going to gobble up anyone anytime!

Lunch time!!! lunched over at mbk ...Marche style

thanks nini for the drink! its so thoughtful of you to know what kind of drinks i'd like.

Once again, we finished everything!!!!! Its so terrible to be a gobbler!

Look at his fat, cute and haolian face =D

I loved his art work.
Changed shopping mall again and since we had a full body thai massage with the tour, we gotta reached the lobby at 9 and to think 8 plus we're still shopping!! Ended up anyhow settled for our dinner at kfc


woohooo shopping bagggss

neh neh ni pooo pooo he dont have!! hahaha
the thai massage was great! uber relaxing

our returnss


Our last buffet bbreakfast..

='( we dont want to go back Singapore....

and the good news is, we got a free upgrade to business class flight back to singapore!!

while waiting to depart

This is Mr Ang and this is how the business class looks like~~ super shiokkkk and its always worth it to spend a lil bit more on a better airline and class. Money really mske wonders. lol

Miss Honggg ..why not Mrs Angg???

okayz, end of my bangkok trip!! seriously, i do not want to come back at all! Singapore is ...... *shakes head* and back to reality, gotta work like a bull.. which i hated.. being treated like shit just coz ure a penny worth.

my hunney's lil babies.. .. and so fast they're pregnant!! hoy hoy! no sex education ahhhhh ...why no protection?!!?

most of them are pregnant if you look carefully into their stomach..
Im not sure if this blog's date is correct coz before that i did save a few drafts so i doubt the dates are correct.
Anw, the date now is 28/10/2007
Happy 1 Year Anniversary Hunnneyyyy!!!!! Hope we'll have a home sweet home soon.. and my cartier ring uhhh! =x
i thought im supposed to do something grand since its one year anniversary..but im down with a flu.. my head is too heavy to do something too... i thought there's surprise for me tooo mannn hahaha anw, though nothing was done, bringing me to his colleague's cosy home was funnnnn!! browsing through wedding photos from ROM to traditional customary wedding dinner etc.. it was so sweet n lovely.. and in real life, they are always so loving.. frankly speaking, i do envy such couples despite the fact that they got married young and they were so loving till now..
Played WIIIII ! the game is so addictive and it makes the players cranky and bonkers!! haha... had a fun day! thanks love..
I want to go back to those bangkok days my darling.. im starting to dislike the life here.. sobb... our honeymoon period is so farking short!! whyyyyyy!!! hmphmmmm
it wasnt easy for the both of us to walk this 1 year journey together and i foresee more rough patches to be come and lets friction the rough patch together and make it a smooth one dokie?! im looking forward to cartier... oooppss .. thanks for everything and all that you've done for me hunney..