I'm a happy girl now not emo anymore! yayyy

Helllooooo I'm back from Manchester! I pax-ed back from manchester to singapore for 14 hours... OMG. my arse hurts and numb. I drank baileys, Riesling, Shiraz, alspritzer etc to make myself tipsy and sleep. Nothing works. Somehow i felt so shiok having to work up and pax back. I stopped myself from watching Marley and I onboard so that i can watch it with hunney. I watched little britain, how i met your mother, home alone and boltz. I think i looked retarded laughing to myself while watching the shows. I finished reading the new readers' digest and half of my storybook.

I bought 2 pairs of bedroom slippers at 1 pound each from primark. A pair of leggings at 1 pound too! One big bunch of rubber bands at 89 pence. GOD DAMN CHEAP~ oh yes, my storybook at 5 pounds.
I went out with my colleagues immediately i land and I was dead.. zombie-like walking around the city area.. too tired to shop and i was stucked in urban outfitters for so long because their clothings are pretty. XD
Hoorayyy! Finally yesterday met up with hunney over at his place for dinner. He slimmed down ALOT and he looked so tannn. But he looked weak.. looking into his eyes, i see a sad smile .. he was stressed with studies, he was feeling unwell all over.. and he looked lethargic. I dont know what I could do to make him feel better and I wish i can contribute something to help him out. Sigh..lousy girlfriend. I felt sad upon seeing hunney in this stressed state. Moreover he was ill..i remembered the time i was ill, he whipped up a plate of delicious pasta for me. And ME ME ME ME! what have I done??? I didnt even manage to cook a simple meal for him. How depressing. Hunney, am i that lousy?!?!?!? OK I THINK IM NOT. im being emo right now.
I have to tell the whole world that I'm so deeply in love with JOSEPH ANG Y.K. Sighhh.. i couldnt control my love thoughts and i cant possibly tell everybody that im so in love with him.. so i might as well blog. Anw, not many people will be reading it and who cares! its my blog! Eh i think my hunney is charming and cute. boohooo why am i praising him?!?! he'd surely fly up to the moon.
I got called up for a flight to Melbourne and thus couldnt attend bbq.. i loved bbq! i think bbq is a time for me to let my hair down n chill with friends(though ive not much stress) and plus its weekends!!!! like finally hunney submitted his project and i thought if my standby wouldnt get called up i be able to meet hunney and spend some time with him and then we can go spa-ing. Now, i have to cancel. PUIIII X1000000. URGH. anti climax. I understand that not like its end of the world and i wont be seeing my hunney again, i just want him to relax and be happy for the weekend before he starts mugging again. And control centre should at least let me have this precious weekend to hug him till i shuang and to recharge my battery before i go for any flight even india flights i dont mind!
ITS OKAY. Looking forward to melb for some cheap shopping spree. HOPEFULLY THERE'S NONE and so i can save some money. I stopped taking cab unnecessarily and took BMW instead. I have storybook and nds to keep me company =)
its been a long time since i had ben's and jerry ice cream with waffle T_T and i only want to have it with hunney. He is my ice cream waffle bf. hoho.

So sweet uh! Hunney drew this for me before i left for manchester flight in msn. He was busy doing his project and thus not able to send me to airport. Its ok! as long as he's able to complete his project and he's not my chauffeur anyway.
Met up with honghong to vivo city~~ we entered kim gary cafe and sat down.. and then we changed our mind and decided to have marche. We walked out of the cafe just like that -.-
i think we are big eaters.
in the cosy cottage house with moo moos
Banana crepe with Carmelita ice cream

Once ive entered marche, it immediately reminds me of hunney. XD. haha i shall stop mentioning the word hunney else you people will TSKKK TSKK WHY HUNNEY AGAIN. hahaa.
We walked round vivo and saw gorgeous dresses for office. TSKKK am angry! I doubt i will ever have the chance to wear those dresses to office with high heels. All im wearing almost everyday is the kebaya. Then i cant be like one of the girls in lipstick jungle or sex and the city =x. KILL ME PLEASE. Nevermind its okie! As i age over the years, i will surely come to a point where i'll wear those nice n pretty dresses suitable for the old age. HAHA.
Im supposed to go on diet. Alrights, last good meal and i shall start dieting before i lose to hunney.