Hellooo!! My blog is dead since dont know when. I am fated not to travel to paris i supposed. Out of all days, why the volcano in Iceland must erupt during the period im supposed to travel??? Well, Seoul is not that bad afterall. Im hope next year i'll be able to travel to europe. XDDDD
Before my trip to Seoul, hunney and me went HongKong for holiday. I really let my hair down!! ohh before i post pictures of my hkg pictures, please read the book on WHY MEN ARE MARS WOMEN FROM VENUS. I swear what the book says its true!!!
My trips is always on free and easy and i never never liked going on a tour group. In hk, we navigate our own way, taking the mtr, public buses. I dont know how to read maps and the most convenient way is to ask the concierge and ask the passer by where is this and this etc. While for Jo, he doesnt like to ask people. All he did was to collect the brochures and maps wherever we could and navigate his way. THIS IS PROVEN. In that book bout man and women differences, they mentioned that men rather read maps and find their own way instead of asking people. PROVEN PROVEN PROVEN. It all boils down to ego. MEN ARE EGOISTIC CREATURES.

they have the best milk tea ever!!! i have to drink it everyday when i was in hk. I doubt nowhere in singapore I can find the authentic milk tea, not even the hk cafe in singapore.

Ji dan zai ~~~

hun's favourite APLIU STREET. He watched too much, way too much of hk dramas and everywhere we went he told me he seen it before in hk drama. Especially Apliu Street.

I think im siao i told hun that i need to get ronald macdonald so whenever we passed by macdonald, we will go in and see if ronald is available.

they have this very famous healthy dessert shop. XU LIU SHAN.
i loveeeee their glutinous rice ball.

i have a good photographer who only knows how to snap nice scenery and not pretty woman.

our favourite custard bun!!!!!!! Hunney been wanting it to have it everyday and we had it everyday in hk.

I sooo want to go back to hk to have nice dimsum, nice milk tea, nice horlicks etc etc!
my skin is giving me problem. COLD RASH. it made me felt like sun wu kong at times.
BAHHHHHH came back from seoul. Their guys were HAWT to the max. Much better looking than Rain (i dont think he's handsome at all except for his bods.)

for a moment my mom n me felt RICH.

im so glad to book a cheap and good hotel last minute. Kitchen, washing machine, dining table, fridge etc. May of a service residence.

i told her this shoe was worn by the folks during the olden days. Guessed what my mom told me. She told me she worn this before when my grandfather passed away together with the straw hats etc. -.- its 2 different things zomg.

yummmmm candy floss!!!


if only my future wedding car will be this. Limoooo.

okays time to sleep!!!!! move on and move forward for a better future!!!! mwahsss.
I have a list of things to do soon :
Mani pedi
re- thread my brows
diet plan
gym on wkends
time to kio all the unwanted stuff that's lying around my house
home loan results to ben out soon