aiyerrr!!!! my heart is beating damn fast and i bet i cant sleep well tonight! Sighhh everyone is asking me man.. and there is a very minimal chance anyway. I want to talk to someone to ease of my anxiety!!
aiyerrrrrrrrrrr x100000000000000000000000000000
i dont want to go back office, i dont want to do audit, i dont like the cranky sam pat weirdos.
Im sooooooo HAPPY!!!
Ive got a new toy named LUCKY!
haha oh my god.. i see this bear with the stupid brief i wana laugh out real loud! my hunney went to BUILD - A - BEAR to "create" this bear for me.. and he was describing the process that keeps me laughing till now.
imagine he has to pump the cotton in...with the command of the sales personnel over there lol.. pick a heart n make a wish and then he has to kiss the heart before stuffin into the bear's backside.
So cute lah especially with the sexy brief okay! So MAN!
oh yea, month back i bought mont blanc key pouch holder for my hun~~~weeettttt .. not that im rich ok! im seriously broke... self declare bankrupt!
nini looks so suave to drive the SLK convertible woooossshhh
so blessed to sit in there!! and i brought my potato along for a spin!
Not rent oneeeeeeee okayyyyyy lol..
craving for apple pie~~~
yes, indeed i love teddy bears more than hello kitties. byebye kitty bitches haha
BK BREAKFAST!! talk about breakfast simply makes me pissed... poooffff you know and i know.. haha. you'll always feel so good to have nice breakfast man.
my happy pea =*)
he bought me donuts too!!
in return, i gave him this! hahaa
thanks hunney for everything you've done for me all these while.. im sincerely moved by your efforts, your care and everything. Skipping classes to build that bear, bought donuts is definitely worthwhile!!! hahaha because im a gem! one sam pat woman. Pardon my crankiness at times okay love?!!! Sorry for not updating so often and im so fan naooo over work issues etc.. hope you understand and thanks for being there with me!
Huihong mama, lets go eat liu lian with my nini and your love together ok!!!
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