Hellloooo I'm back from Zurich-Switzerland. A land of cows and greenery.
Its a pity that i didnt take this bus to tour round. Its so retro machiam my primary school days i used to watch THE MAGIC SCHOOL BUS. hahah.
Yay im high up in the cable car~~~so gleeful!
The scenery down there.
For this tour, it covered all the different modes of transport in swiss. Hurhur.
Mid mountain where they built restaurants and playgrounds for loving couple and kids.
Im in heaven!
Im in the peak of mount pilatus!
I didnt know that i can be so sporting to go mountain climbing haha. (with the help of cable car) -_-"
Mount Pilatus landmark
So lame right? Im still a kid!!!! forever young~~~
Mwahhhh. I looked like a siao ding dong with everybody looking at me. =X
Happy me!!
the red cabin that brought me down =)
crew for this flight
Cruising round for 2 hours. Its so beautiful seriously.
tell me if you would love to live in one of the houses behind.
Short of one cinderella. It looked like a castle uh??
i know u all are sick of seeing me.
I finished up this chicken pizza ALONE! I split it into 2 meals before i left Swiss. Still, its a damn big portion.
Ms Hong will never let any chocolate cakes off.
Swiss pralines and truffles are fucking loved by me.

Finally met up with my darlings on friday and we had the shiok shiok tom yam steamboat and hong, lets go again! I havent got enough of the meatballs, golden mushroom etccc etcc.
To kill time, we decided to take neo prints after sooooooo damn long. I cant remember if we did take it before. Anyway,

The last one not so well taken though. Lousy quality. =(
Friday is a night to PARTEYYYY! Headed to DBL O and surprisingly free entry and drinks are cheap. I DID NOT PUKE AT ALL hahaha. Like finally, Jol did.
hun and his buddy buddy
My baby's tipsy topsy slurry drunk face.
Wahhhhhh my standby got called up for DELHI. My godddd. Me dont love! If its a longer stay, i will consider visiting Taj Mahal. Forget it, its a short stay. A blessing that its just a night. I love my home-SINGAPORE. Babes, send me the pictures that we took in dblo if you have.
Im addicted to diner dash and i got so angry and upset when i cant clear the last stage. =( POOF.
Time to take more pictures of my doggie giogio.
Time to go on a diet.
Time to start exercising.
Time to buy some branded. HURHUR.
Hun's bday is approaching. I bet he's awaiting some surprise!
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