Ms Hong should abstain from fastfood!!! Somehow, there are so many evil people holding on to macdonalds translucent plastic bag with hot piping fries in it -.- Im gaining weight! Time for yoghurts and fruits instead =(
heh! Which kind soul wants to buy me some bo luo bun with charsiew inside from crystal jade?? --->
A month back, went DBLO to celebrate Miss Cath's birthdayyyy and for some god reasons, i dont know why there were so many lychee martinis and being the lousy drinker me, K.O. I puked like a merlion. And thank goodness my hunnn drove me home! phewww (I was trying to swallow down my vomit while in his car, hah, was afraid that he'll demand a wrx in return if i dirtied his seat)
It was soooooooooo %^&&@QE#& fun to hang out with the babesss!!!!! wala wala ! Very soon girls it'll come again XD
Somehow, the pictures that we took on that day were ugly.. maybe we were not in the right mind to shoot. haaah
First week of september was my cousin's 21st bdayyy and yea held in nsrcc chalet..bungalow-like with ktv system and def spacious enough to hold more than 50 people. BUTTT, I dont have pictures taken with the birthday girl.. she has yet to send me =( instead of the bday girl, we have...
My honeybrunch with me and my plum! aites, she's my mommmyyyyy!!! [the supermommy that i had]
Meimei (e actual spelling is MayMay, i just loved to call her mei mei) SO FUNNYYYY HORR MEIMEI!lol .. her with my cousin , aka her boyfriend and my another cousin who gave me the gucci wallet.. hoho
Bel's honeybrunch in action! Nice butt uhhhhh
SEEEE IM FAT! haha ..actually, its due to the high waisted shorts.. and my tank is too long sooo... cant be bothered also!
Ahemm, introduce abit, dont we looked the same? my uncle said its photocopied and added with a wig... wth.. He's Wendy. Yes, his christian name is Wendy.
No fastfood but CHEEZELS! Hun nini!! im gona kill you for tempting me to buy one large packetttt with mini packets in it! pooofff
=) He claims that he's my knight with the bling bling shining armour. =x
I miss him loadddddsssss =( till the weekends...
OOOOOHHHH Mooncakes from hunn nini was awesome! im about to finish haha. Damn sinfullllll
COokies for you sweet, virtually baked! Happy drooling on your bolster hahahahaa
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