Im gona share with everyone my happinesss for the night or rather, for my 20 years of life, other than my family members, there's this fellow who treated me like a queen more than anything else! And this fellow is my Joseph Ang Yong Kwang Hunney!
Guess whattt?!?!? He, being such a silly boy actually bought me O2 limited edition xda Atom okayyyyyyy!!!!!
Okayz, im not trying to show off how nice my bf is etc but i really felt that im the most blissful bitch in the universe. Not that a phone can buy my whole heart, even the usual days he's really sweet to me and yet im so mean and evil to him. =(
He meant to surprise me by driving over to school but i was home alreadyy boooohoooo
and yes, being the slpy me dozed off and made him thought the other meaning. Why did i dozed off in the first place?! pissed with myself. But anw, the o2 was delivered to me and i was toooo stunneddd for words cant hlp smilinggggggg to myself the whole nightttt.. woooooohhh and im too happy to sleep actually... but i promised to slp after bloggging.
No one ever bought me such an expensive gift before.... seriously...
Im sure he loves me more than anything else... =) I think im very emo .. while uploading the pic and staring at his pic, i was about to cryyyyy mannn omggg. I was really touched by everything he did for me... he paid for all the movies, meals, brought me to anywhere there's fun. Surprised me with cakes and even bought medicine for me when im sick... what ive done for him for the past 10 months was nothing as compared to him i supposed. From what i know, i only bring him unhappiness. Well, things changed.. for the better.. =)
Made this for him.. the effect wasnt tt great afteralll... =( task failed!
ISABEL HAS GOT THE BESTTTTTTT HUNNEY IN DA WORLD.. AT LEAST TO ME. And though people mention eternity for freee... my eternity with him is not free ok! I want him to be my eternity. Im willing to give up cartier ring in order to have him haha! nah kidding. My hun ni ni is a priceless gem.. cant even buy him with money!
I repeat again, its not the phone that makes me say all these.. even in my previous posts, i did mention i love him more than anyting else.. just that i wana thank him for putting so much effort, emotions and financially into this rs.. i think i burnt a big hole to his pocket. I truly appreciate your everything hun. I know you are reading this and gona say,"action leh hunney" haha. but still, im gona say it!
I felt like a cinderella. No words can describe how grateful or how touched or how happy or how much i love him ...
still, thanks hun ni ni for your presentttttttt~~~~ i felt so heart ache as its an expensive gift... More than enough darling.
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