Ms Hong is on a big mission! I THINK I can manage to complete it. =) I really would think so. Its really mission impossible for me though.
I came back and somehow i was irritated and started to whine like a bitch. Moments later i started to think probably in my entire life i've never had a true best friend before because I've been such a bitch. There will always be moments when i will complain and complain though i never really mean it and thus appearing to hate my job, appearing to hate whatever for whatever things or reasons. Nuff said.
We're in the uniform group!!! hoho
On our way to vivo XD
ahemm yes cam whoring abit.
somone is proud of his 6th gear. -_-
His new toy. Seriously till now i dont even know whats that for though he told me more than ten times already haha. OOps
You know, guys will never understand women addiction to buy clothes bags n shoes and we women will never understand the kind of extreme toys they play with haha.
Fabulous pasta and thin crust pizza
Lobster pasta. When we were served, we thought the pasta noodles were the fishball yellow noodles =X
Love brought us to Red Dot Brewery
a onblur="try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}" href="http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_O27hP6Wayj0/SrNB0ki3QOI/AAAAAAAACDc/ZFEWT43_lCg/s1600-h/DSCF8374.JPG">
The monster green beeR! No worries, it doesnt make you a shrek.
Mr Jo and his friends.
The girls
Went sentosa on a sunday morning to have sunday brunch with hh and her bf!
Feeling so shiok to have brunch reading newspapers! wooohooo
The sentosa breakfast by the beach!
Poached egg =)
caught hold of this wild mushroom along the way
They looked poisonous but tasty haha
Bought from giant..GOOD.
Bought ingredients to make ham-bao baooooo hunney loves burger lately (home-made burger)
Looks delicious right?!!!!! pardon e newspaper lolll my house not atas oneeee
my doggie doggieee lolll
My new MAC, new table and stool and i had a new speakers!!!! but the speakers are not in this picture.
Received msg from hun asking me to prepare... gtg!!!!!!
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