I was thinking if I should change to livejournal but if i change, i will definitely lose all my previous posts. I think blogger should start to do something bout it. Poof.
Mommy bought me double fish fillet with shaker fries. How sweet. XD and i took half of it. Because im on a diet!
My roster is full of Aussie flights~~~i dont mind having more of brisbane till next yr feb. Haha. Did i mention i have another bf in bne? oops
my 2nd bf.
Nahhh i better make myself clear in case. Cyannnnnnnnn one of my bff too. She's sweet skipped school to drove me round bne and brought me to little singapore in bne to have bubble tea, shopping and back to her apartment to chill.
She brought me to the famous 24hrs pancake house to have supper.
I have to say i really love the houses overseas compared to the ones in sg. She had a balcony that is bigger than your living room i swear. Able to have bout 6-8 mj tables and with some extra spaces. The balcony is facing the river. Nice view. If her housemate remember to send me the pics then i shall post it here. I was playing in her balcony posing for pictures.
I wore her balcony slippers. SOOOOO CUTTTEEEEEEEEE
sighhhh ever since i sot my hair i never really had the chance to take a nice pic .. is either im too tired or my face is lack of bb cream. My skin is bad. And dear ms hong here dont use thick makeup. A bb cream with blusher n eyeliner is all i need! sunblock and moisturer is a must needless to say.
This fellow is one mad guy. He went for lasik and is so into spectacles after the lasik. Though he looks like a cute geek.
I've been good! Putting eye mask and sleeping mask and collagen mask consistently.
The sleeping mask that i've been using lately. Its dirt cheap in seoul. i have close to 100 pcs of masks at home what do you think hurhur.
and this is the raspberry roots eyemask.
I do see some results after being consistent. NOT ALOT BUT STILL THERE IS. or maybe its just my psychological thinking. Who cares as long as im happy with it.
I have to admit that i was a little shaken by the news that batch girls are quitting etc.. for better prospects and for whatsoever reasons. There are pros n cons in everything that you do. Thats a fact. Upon consideration, there came to a conclusion. Life's short. I wont elaborate much on it because i do not want this entry to be boring.
Im still addicted to my handphone hoho. People, please get a bb asap!!!!!!!
A man was lying in bed with his new girlfriend. After having great sex, she spent the next hour just rubbing his testicles, something she seemed to love to do.
As he was enjoying it, he turned and asked her, 'Why do you love doing that?'
"Because," she replied, "I miss mine."
Hunney, a joke for u. To make your day. pardon my pmsing mode.
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